Finally, she said.
It dipped into the 50’s and felt like Fall.
She is not a person for the seasons though.
The house doesn’t get filled with squarecrows or hay bales or the pumpkin spice scent so many associate with the season.
Nor is Christmas overly decorated, if there is such a thing.
A good thing for my minimalist mind.
Too much clutter is bad for the soul.
But if March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb…
Then cooler weather creeps in like a cat, stalking shorter days and pouncing when the time is right.
Time being the switch from springing forward to falling back, which we do here in the states in a few short weeks.
This week has been both blessing and curse.
Blessing in that we are increasing our reach.
Kobo. Barnes and Noble. Smashwords and libraries and more.
We have written a lot, including a new story for you below.
And we have worked on novels, getting them ready for you.
(Like book 8 in the BEACHHEAD SERIES which you can pre-order today)
Youtube is growing but this week hit a wall, and I can’t figure out why.
The curse, as I call it, is stagnant.
All in all, the first of Fall feels like nothing is moving.
It could be the cavalcade of complaints from people who can’t click a button.
It could be the external noise of the mess going on in politics that dominates folks minds.
In times of uncertainty, we should lean into what we can rely upon, but the news wants to make sure you can’t do that.
If you ain’t worried, you ain’t watching.
Maybe Fall feels like people are holding their breath to see what happens next.
Which is what can happen when you listen to outside noise and ignore the voice within.
Don’t listen.
Grab a book and drown it out.
Murder and Mayhem Free Book Festival
Free Action and Adventure Books in October
did you read The Marshal of Magic?
If you were waiting on more in the series so you could binge it, I’ve got it all in a big Boxset you can grab now:
You should also check out TOUCHED – a thriller, if you like off the wall adventures!
Did you read OLD MAGIC – Sheriff Ben Logan series?
Then grab book two STOLEN RELICS and NEEDS MUST next week!
OR Get a free book each week when you upgrade.