The Dipole Collection - Sci Fi Adventure
Witchmas - The Marshal of Magic Boxset
They weren’t as good as Danvers…
But some Sunday’s after Church, Mamaw and Papaw would get a bag of these bad boys for us to eat for lunch.
And on occasion, we would sit in their dining area to enjoy.
It was across a street from where I went to sixth grade, and every now and then, once per quarter when grades were released, the principal would let everyone who had A’s go over there for lunch.
I got to go.
I wonder if the school called the place the day before and let them know a group of sixth graders were descending on them like a plague of locusts.
I don’t remember too many of the details.
I do remember the burgers were great.
I wish I could recall when they closed.
There were two locations in the Bluff.
I wonder what happened to the signs.
We didn’t get to leave campus again until 10th grade, because 7th was closed and on the far side of town, and the Jr. High didn’t have anything close.
Except for the hospital.
No where to walk.
When we got to High School, it was a few blocks from Main Street and I had a job, so heading off to lunch was a right of passage.
Open campus meant a mad race to one of a few places, and one of those places was Danver’s.
They had a burger topping bar, which could turn your regular cheeseburger into a culinary masterpiece.
Okay, maybe that’s a stretch, but it there were toppings galore, which dressed up the meat into something extraordinary.
But their burgers were twice the price of Burger Chef, so it was a once in awhile treat.
Not an every lunch visit.
There’s still one in Memphis.
I haven’t been inside a Danver’s since 1988.
I bet the burger bar has gone the way of Wendy’s Salad Bar.
Which, for the record, was the very best tasting salad combo in the country.
Possibly the world, though I haven’t had salads in all 200 countries.
It’s not a hill I’ll die on, the statement, but probably one I’d make with confidence.
We go to Memphis for baseball six times this Spring and Summer.
Southaven, to be exact, but it’s just a few miles south.
Which gives me plenty of time to make the plan, work the plan.
A lunch visit.
Even absent the Burger Bar.
Is that really a memory I want to mess up?
It won’t be the same.
It can’t be the same.
95% of all restaurants are supplied by the same big three companies, so the meat is the same, the spices, the same.
It won’t be food supplied by some farm over by Stuttgart, or tomatoes and lettuce from a local supplier in Wabaseka.
I guess I could ask for bacon bits, because crunchy fake bacon bits sprinkled across mayonnaise and melted cheese probably won’t change in taste over time.
But would it be worth the visit?
How far would you chase a memory?