I talked about my TBR pile and yesterday, I grabbed one off of it.
I sent you a link for Silent Tide: An Edge-0f-the-Seat British Crime Thriller to download FREE and I clicked in to read my copy.
Terrific! I don’t know if it’s edge of your seat, but it is well done.
Well done enough for me to finish in one day, and move on to the second in series for later, so there is that.
So it’s on my recommends list for you.
Along with WITCHMAS DAY and for you to get ready for The Marshal of Magic.
Again, I’m surprised that less than 200 of you downloaded the last 3 of my books I’ve offered up, from a list of 5000 who read daily, and another 5000 who just sit on the list and do nothing.
Same with SUBSCRIBING to the YOUTUBE Channel, which you should do, even if only as a favor to me.
Of course, a lot of us have been together for awhile, so I shouldn’t be surprised.
People do their own thing for crazy selfish only they know why reasons, which are completely justified in their head.
And in a world of almost 8 Billion self centered universes bopping around on this big blue marble floating in space that’s a lot of reasoning.
It takes too much brain space to spend much time considering the why of something.
Or in some cases, the why not.
Better to spend that brain space making something new.
Or renewing something.
There are a few quotes that surface on the internet about success every now and then that fit.
Something about everyone is a jeering before they start cheering.
It’s like studying why people get motivated to do anything.
The straws that break the camel’s back.
I was never very good at psychology.
Probably because it required a little too much looking at the man in the mirror and wondering “is that the reason why I do that?”
Plus everything is about sex anyway, the continuation and proliferation of the gene pool.
I can’t draw the correlation or causation off the top of my head how sex factors in to not downloading or not buying or not subscribing this early in the morning though.
Five am thoughts should not be wasted chasing that waterfall.
It does feed into my skepticism that colors the edge of my optimism.
Perhaps why I’m on a mystery kick.
A study of human nature through fiction.
It makes me appreciate a single minded focus, or knights errant.
This weekend past, I hit up an old Travis McGee novel from McDonald, and felt like I was visiting an old friend.
And he pondered as much as me, about the why of I and we.
Tilting at windmills.
Living the definition of crazy.
Day after day, and wondering what’s going to change.
What will be the combination that flips the switch and flips the script and turns everyone on?
See, it IS all about sex in some form or fashion.
One of the first books I read on Kindle was the JA Konrath series.
You can start his book 1, WHISKEY SOUR free to see if you like the fashion forward detective Jack Daniels.
In between bouts of reading, I’ve been putting words into a couple of things and you should pick up these so you’re ready for what comes next:
And find out how your psychology would work in a world where zombies aren’t the worst thing to survive in BATTLEFIELD Z COMPLETE by asking one question; How far would you go to keep your kids safe?
And why should you upgrade your SUBSCRIPTION to It’s 9AM? Well, you get those books free, plus a lot more that are lined up in the chute AND you save money, because there’s a price increase for 2024.
NOIR-vember Mystery and Thriller Festival
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