Thanks, your comments great. Lots of good people out there we forget sometimes.

Yet the govt. Keeps fighting to keep god out of our lives.

I'm not much of a church goer anymore. The 4 generation church I used to go to burned down few years ago. The people who had taken over the church said they'd rebuild. But took the insurance money bought a vacant church in nicer part of town and our old location now townhouses.

Shootings stupid. I've never understood rational behind it. Not that I don't own guns. I own several. But shooting a bunch of innocent kids?

Keep up the good work. G

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I agree completely. Something that has bothered me for quite some time. Christian people who support bigotry, foul language, making jokes about others. (the former leader of the U.S.) and the people who support that. That has turned people away from church.

Congress who fails time and time again to ban assault weapons. It is the weapons that are readily available.

Churches DO need a clear vision of what each community needs. If not, they fail to provide ir meet needs of their community.

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